‘Zaker Shongothon’ emerged in 1987. Peerjada Alhaj Mostafa Amir Faisal Mujaddedi officially announced its birth at a press-conference at National Press Club in Dhaka. Later on, near the end of 1988, the organizational structure of Zaker Party formally began to expand. As a first step, the capital district of Dhaka was divided into 5 distinct zones and their regional command councils.

First of all, the southern command council was announced, comprised of Old Dhaka and its surrounding areas. This command council was launched by the two eminent members of the Supreme Command Council, Peerjada Alhaj Mahfujul Haque Mujaddedi Shaheb and Peerjada Alhaj Mostafa Amir Faisal Mujaddedi Shaheb, at Kazi Nazrul College grounds, adjacent to Bahadur Shah Park (Victoria Park). At the meeting, amidst thousands of jubilant people, Peerjada Alhaj Mustafa Amir Faisal Mujaddedi gave a resonant speech on upholding our national interests, presenting the nation a new political vision.

Peerjada Alhaj Mahfujul Haque Mujaddedi Shaheb and Peerjada Alhaj Mostafa Amir Faisal Mujaddedi Shaheb, later on, gradually announced the opening of the remaining 4 command councils. In all these areas, people spontaneously gathered in the meetings in thousands.

Step by step, these two great leaders launched the district command councils in Narayanganj, Narsingdi and Faridpur. In mid-December 1988, the inauguration ceremony of ‘Zaker Shongothon’ in Faridpur was attended by thousands of spontaneous people. This was a meeting where an unprecedented number of people came together, and it created a great excitement in them.

Later on, throughout the country, the district command councils of ‘Zaker Shongothon’ were inaugurated in an atmosphere of combined passion and animation.