Description of the “Zaker Party” Name

The word Zaker originates from Zikir. The literal meaning of Zikir or Zaker is: one who remembers; who remembers the divine creator; who unremittingly adheres to all kinds of written and unwritten moral ideals.

Zaker Party upholds the spirit of a remarkable connection between remembrances of the Great Creator and citizens’ endeavors to faithfully carry out their duties and responsibilities. Zaker Party’s name embodies the sacred culture of analyzing our daily duties in divine light, evaluating our work through moral assessment, purifying our souls of blemishes and defects by devoting ourselves to God – and, at the end of the night, rising in the morning with avowals to fulfill our duties and responsibilities with a new vigor

The implication of the name is: there is no regional undertone to the party name. It is simply Zaker Party. The name has specific relevance. It connotes: Zaker Party is open to all peaceful citizens of the world. Every compassionate person, from every corner of the world, can be associated with Zaker Party.