From the very beginning, Zaker Party strove to maintain organizational transparency and accountability, and to create new leadership at different tiers – from the center to the grass-root level. A warm atmosphere conducive to freedom of thought, dynamism and democratic practice inside the party has added new dimensions to the party. All suggestions and recommendations rising from the grass-root level are heeded with adequate attention at the center. At the same time, all programs devised at the center are adhered to by the party workers with due diligence.

Accordingly, following the latest People’s Representative Ordinance, Zaker Party organized its vibrant National Council on 27th of December, 2009, at Bangabandhu International Convention Center in Dhaka. Later on, the next National Council took place on 8th of June, 2013, at the historic Suhrawardy Udyan. Both times, the councils were live telecast on satellite TV channels. The immense size and the novel, jovial atmosphere of the assembly, and the overall success of the council, immensely moved the political camps and the political observers. All of this attracted the attention of the general people as well.

In accordance with the latest People’s Representative Ordinance proclaimed by the Election Commission, on both occasions (in 2009 and in 2013) Peerjada Alhaj Khwaja Mustafa Amir Faisal Mujaddedi gave up the chairman’s post before the council took place. On both occasions he was unanimously re-elected as chairman at the councils.

On the occasions of the National Council, both times, the respective areas and neighborhoods with their roads and islands were luxuriantly decorated. Colorful posters, festoons, banners and panaflex structures were installed at important points in Dhaka.

On the occasion of National Council in 2009, the venue Bangabandhu International Convention Center was handsomely decorated. At 10 o’clock in the morning, Peerjada Alhaj Khwaja Mustafa Amir Faisal Mujaddedi inaugurated the National Council by setting free a white pigeon and balloons. At that time, the national anthem and the party anthem were played. At the ceremony, district presidents from 72 districts raised national flags at 72 different stands.

More than 40 thousand party representatives, including councilors and delegates, took part in this grand, festive ceremony. Many delegates had to gather in nearby streets and adjacent areas, as the main venue was completely filled up. Representatives from the ruling party as well as from other political parties, eminent members of the civil society, reporters, industrialists and businessmen, prominent personalities from literary and cultural fields were present as guests at the ceremony.

The next National Council took place on 8th of June, 2013, on a grander scale. More than 50 thousand people, including councilors, delegates and party supporters, at the historic location of Suhrawardy Udyan, transformed the National Council into a colorful, grand festival. People filled up the venue, and the overflow of people had to be accommodated in the nearby Ramna Park and the surrounding streets and areas.

On the two National Councils, in 2009 and in 2013, party members unanimously bestowed all executive power upon Peerjada Alhaj Khwaja Mustafa Amir Faisal Mujaddedi.

Representatives from the ruling party and other political parties, eminent members of civil society, reporters, industrialists and businessmen, personalities from literary and cultural fields, and other prominent personalities were present as invited guests at both ceremonies.