Zaker Party is the symbol of divine peace, welfare and infinite justice. The aspirations of Zaker Party are: to develop liberal humanist values in accordance with true Islam – beyond the conventional trends; to develop tolerance of divergent opinions, ideas and religious beliefs; to create a tolerant, peaceful, active and vibrant culture. Zaker Party, most of all, aims to bring an end to the prevalent divisive culture and to create an atmosphere of unity and peace. Zaker Party is determined to create a culture of compassion, empathy, support, brotherhood and love.

Zaker Party has been striving non-stop to escort everyone together on the eternal path of truth and beauty. All men and women, from Bangladesh and every corner of the world, who strive for peace, human welfare, freedom, progress and equality – they can come together in the unwavering comradeship of Zaker Party. They can refine their personal lives through spiritual cleansing and change their working lives accordingly. They can share the eternal ideals upheld by Zaker Party and bring peace and happiness to their own lives.

Zaker Party officially emerged in 1989, with an aim to bring about a qualitative change in politics. Earlier, on 10th of September, 1987, ‘Zaker Shongothon’ made its public appearance. It was inaugurated by Bishwa Wali Hazrat Shah Sufi Khwaja-baba Faridpuri (q.s.a.) Shaheb, the spiritual leader of millions of devout and peaceful people around the world, at Bishwa Zaker Manjil in Faridpur, on the holy night of Eid-e-milad-un Nabi, in 1989. At dawn, on the next day, amidst a gathering of hundreds of thousands of people, Peerjada Alhaj Mostafa Amir Faisal Mujaddedi announced the birth of Zaker Party.