Pirjada Alhaj Khwaja Mostafa Amir Faisal Mujaddedi is Zaker Party’s honorable chairman. He is an exceptional and dynamic person, with a humane and righteous character of unlimited passion, energy and courage. His remarkable devotion to his work and his love for his motherland and the people of this country make him a stalwart custodian of our nation. He is a leader who leads valiantly from the front to establish the ideals of truth and justice.

His stirring speeches in rich, sonorous tones, in simple, lucid words, bring people to a new consciousness. He wins people’s hearts, gets close to them with effortless ease, and becomes the center of attention in every ceremony and meeting. Many a time he has proven his worth, as a smart, charming and educated leader, who can deal with any situation with his alert mind and natural sagacity and astuteness.

Faridpur is a central district of Bangladesh: a district famous for its greenery and natural beauty, its sprawling farmlands and meadows, and its exotic culture. This great leader was born in the village of Atroshi, in Sadarpur sub-district in Faridpur, Bangladesh. His father is Bishwa Wali Hazrat Shah Sufi Khwaja Baba Faridpuri (q.s.a) Keblajan Shaheb, the universal leader of peace-loving Muslims, the guiding light of the peaceful people of this world.

From his early childhood, Mostafa Amir Faisal charmed everyone with his meritorious benevolence and compassion. He could not tolerate the sufferings of people. Since childhood, this great leader has reached out to others, with his silent helping hand, to bring peace and happiness into people’s lives.

He has been leading Zaker Party with his balanced vision and in-depth analysis of national and international politics. He is the vibrant heart of a positive and dynamic trend in our mundane, day-to-day politics.

Throughout the last three decades, in different crises and emergencies, he came out in support of our people: during the devastating floods in 1987, 1988, 1998 and 1999, and after the catastrophic cyclone in 1991. Through Zaker Party, he created thousands of relief camps throughout the country and gave out cooked food to homeless and hungry people. He never paid heed to the facts of which party was in power, or who was in the opposition, or which other party would get benefits from his own activities. People came to recognize Mostafa Amir Faisal as a rising leader at the launching ceremony of ‘Zaker Shongothon’ in 1987. Later on, in 1989, Zaker Party emerged and within one and a half year, in 1991, he came closer to the people, as Zaker Party contended in the election in 299 seats. In his leadership, with different strategic goals, Zaker Party participated in the national elections in 1996, 2001 and 2008, and managed to achieve the strategic target of bringing a change in our politics. The party and its leader always made an effort to safeguard the interests of our nation and people.

In similar fashion, the leader took a patient and supportive stand, in different political crises. He never backed off from his resolve to bring a positive change in national politics. He fearlessly defied all kinds of repressions, injustice and terrorism. His resonant assertions, each time, built up wide-spread public opinion. In 2005 and 2006, in an uncompromising role, in response to national demand, he raised his stature even further. The political arena, as well as our people, realized the strength of Zaker Party, once again.

With regard to foreign relations and preserving the interests of our nation and people, the Zaker Party Chairman always upholds a very modern outlook.

Peerjada Mostafa Amir Faisal is determined to champion the nation in facing the 21st century challenges by supporting our huge human resources, especially our youth who are the two-third of the population, and upholding the independence and sovereignty of Bangladesh.

The Zaker Party Chairman is determined to build a ‘Golden Bangladesh’ through the concerted, peaceful efforts of people of every faith, conviction and ideology.