The great founding leader of Zaker Party, Bishwa Wali Hazrat Shah Sufi Khwaja-baba Faridpuri (q.s.a.) Keblajan Shaheb has said on the background to the formation of Zaker Party: “The present age is the age of science. In this age, materialist culture has flourished, worldly knowledge has prospered, but spiritual practice has declined. Because of the absence of integration of earthly knowledge and spiritual practice, there is hardly any peace anywhere at personal, family, societal or state level.

Everywhere there is envy, violence, injustice and discrimination. There is an acute absence of humanity. There is hardly any civility, courtesy, graciousness or affability. There is no fruits in the trees, no fish in water, no crop in the field. There are only deficiencies, deprivations and scarcities: only emptiness and void. Humanity today is crushed; the human soul is smothered.

To save humanity from this crisis, worldly knowledge must be integrated with spiritual practice in all spheres of personal life, family, society and state.

The combined practice of these two types of knowledge will enrich material life, and it will bring spiritual richness and the development of humane qualities as well. My spiritual guide, Keblajan, the great Mujadded of the fourteenth Hijri, Hazrat Maulana Khwaja-baba Enayetpuri (q.) Shaheb felt the need to study spiritual knowledge as well as worldly knowledge in an organized way at different levels of society and the state.

Near the end of his life, he announced the formation of Zaker Party. 37 years after he had passed away, in accordance with his wishes, on the 12th of Rabi al-awwal of 1410 Hijri, on the 14th of October 1989, on that blessed date, I formed Zaker Party. It was a Saturday, the birth date of my spiritual leader, Keblajan Shaheb. On one hand it was the birthday of our blessed Prophet, on the other hand it was the birth date of Hazrat Khwaja-baba Enayetpuri (q.) Shaheb. Zaker Party was born on a date when both of these two great men were born.”