The founder of Zaker Party, the spiritual leader of Muslims of the world, the guide to freedom for all humanity, Bishwa Wali Hazrat Shah Sufi Khwaja-baba Faridpuri (q.s.a.) Keblajan Shaheb has described the ideals and goals of Zaker party: “This party is a party of ideals. The goal of this party is to convey the complete ideals of our Prophet ( Peace upon Him! )”.

Zaker Party is working to build up and promote education, progress, unity, modesty, civility, open-mindedness, affection, endearment, forgiveness, governance, amity and concord, brotherhood, the peaceful coexistence of divergent religions, beliefs and creeds, toleration, the discipline and dignity of labor, patriotism, the duties, responsibilities and self-queries of citizens – and, above all, to enlighten people in the ideals of a great unity and create a peaceful environment.